Galium aparine Linn.
Family Rubiaceae.
Habitat The Temperate Himalayas.
English Goosegrass, Clivers,
Cleavers, Catch Weed.
Action Choleretic, stomachic,
diuretic, refrigerant, lymphatic,
alterative, antiscorbutic, detoxifier;
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
used for enlarged lymph nodes,
especially cervical neck nodes,
cystic and nodular changes in the
glands, modular goitre. Used as
a cleansing drink for malignant
conditions and skin disorders,
including psoriasis.
Key application As diuretic. (The
British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)
The plant contains iridoid monoterpenes
(asperuloside), benzyl isoquinoline
alkaloids (including protopine),
beta-carbolin alkaloids (including harmine),
quinazoline alkaloids and flavonoids
(such as luteolin). Methanolic
extract of the plant contains chlorogenic
acid, scopoletin and rutin. The
plant is reported to contain several
sterols. The root contains anthraquinones.
Asperuloside can be chemically converted
to prostanoid intermediates.
Galium verum Linn.
Family Rubiaceae.
Habitat Kashmir, Lahul and other
west Himalayan regions, at altitude
of ,–, m
English Lady's Bedstraw, Cheese
Action Herb—diuretic, used for
kidney stone, gravel, gout. Used
topically for poorly healing wounds.
The plant contains the iridoids including
asperuloside and galioside;
flavonoid glycosides; quercetin--glucoside,
quercetin--glucoside, quercetin-
-rutinoside, luteolin--glucoside;
anthraquinone derivatives, including
alizarin, and large amounts of
salicylic acid. Its high organic acid
content causes curdling of milk.
The root contain n-alkanes.
Garcinia cambogia Desr.
Synonym G. gummi-gutta (Linn.)
Family Guttiferae; Clusiaceae.
Habitat WesternGhats andNilgiris.
English Gamboge tree.
Ayurvedic Vrkshaamla (allied
species), Kokam (var.).
Siddha/Tamil Kodakkapuli.
Action Fruit rind—used in rickets
and enlargement of spleen, in
skeletal fractures.
The plant contains iso-prenylated
polyphenols—cambogin and camboG
278 Garcinia cowa Roxb.
ginol. The fruit contains about %
acid (dry weight basis), which is essentially
(−)-hydroxycitric acid (HCA).
HCA is a potent inhibitor of ATP citrate
lyase, the enzyme that produces
acetyl CoA for both fatty acid and
cholesterol synthesis.
Taking Garcinia fruit rind extract
orally does not seem to help decrease
weight, satiety, fat oxidation or energy
expenditure in obese people. Some researchers
are of the view that garcinia
inhibits the supply of fatty acids without
affecting adipose conversion. (Natural
Medicines Comprehensive Database,
Latex gave benzophenone derivatives,
camboginol and cambogin.
Garcinia cowa Roxb.
Synonym G. kydia Roxb.
Family Guttiferae; Clusiaceae.
Habitat Tropical forests of Assam,
Bengal, Orissa and the Andamans.
Ayurvedic Paaraavata, Kowaa.
Folk Kaphal (Nepal), Kujithekera
Action Sun-dried slices of the fruit
are used in dysentery. The latex
is used as febrifuge. Gum-resin—
drastic cathartic (may produce
nausea and vomiting).
The fruits from Assam contain: total
soluble solids ., titrable acidity
., total sugars .% and vitamin C
. mg/g
The latex gave xanthones, cowanin,
cowanol, cowaxanthone and norcowanin.
The bark contains cowanin, cowanol,
cowaxanthone and rubraxanthone.
Cawanol and cowaxanthone are reported
to exhibit moderate antimicrobial
activity against Staphylococcus aureus.
Garcinia hanburyi Hook. f.
Family Guttiferae; Clusiaceae.
Habitat Evergreen forests of Assam
and Khasi Hills.
English Siam Gamboge.
Ayurvedic Kankushtha;
Kaalakushtha, Tamaala.
Unani Usaar-e-revand.
Action Gum-resin—drastic
hydragogue, cathartic; used for
dropsical conditions. Toxic. The
gum-resin contains –% resins
consisting mainly of alpha- and
beta-garcinolic acids with gambogic
acids; about –% gum.
Gambogic acid, morellic acid and
isomorellic acid are toxic constituents
of the gum-resin.
Garcinia indica Choisy.
Synonym G. purpurea Roxb.
Family Guttiferae; Clusiaceae.
Habitat Evergreen forests of
Western Ghats from Konkan
southwards and in Goa. Also
cultivated in southern districts of
Maharashtra and on lower slopes of
Garcinia mangostana Linn. 279
English Kokam Butter tree,
Mangosteen Oil tree.
Ayurvedic Vrkshaamla, Tintidika,
Chukra, Amlavrkshak, Kokam,
Siddha/Tamil Murgal.
Folk Kokam.
Action Fruit—antiscorbutic,
cholagogue, cooling, antibilious,
emollient and demulcent. A syrup
fromthe fruit juice is given in bilious
affections. Bark—astringent, Oil or
Kokam Butter—used for dysentery
and diarrhoea with mucus. Applied
externally to ulcerations, fissures of
lips, chapped skin and skin diseases.
The fruit rind contain a polyisoprenylated
phenolic pigment, garcinol
and its isomer isogarcinol, along
with (−)-hydroxycitric acid, cyanidin-
-glucoside and cyanidin--sambubioside.
L-leucine andDNP-L-leucine hydrochloride
have been reported from
the leaves.
EtOH (%) extract of aerial parts
exhibited semen coagulant and CNS
depressant activity.
Kokum butter contains fatty acids—
palmtic ., stearic ., oleic .,
linoleic . and others .%.
Dosage Fruit—– ml
juice; root bark—– ml
decoction. (CCRAS.)
Garcinia mangostana Linn.
Family Guttiferae; Clusiaceae.
Habitat Native to Malaysia. Now
cultivated mainly on lower slopes of
the Nilgiris.
English Mangosteen, Dodol.
Siddha/Tamil Sulambuli, Mangusta.
Folk Mangustaan.
Action Fruit—antileucorrhoeic,
astringent, antifungal, antibacterial;
used in cystitis, diseases of the
genitourinary tract, diarrhoea,
tropical dysentery and fevers.
Pericarp—used externally for
eczema and other skin diseases.
Leaves—anti-inflammatory, antiimmunosuppressive,
The plant contains anthocyanin glycosides,
a benzophenone, maclurin
and several prenylated and related xanthones.
The leaves contain terpenoids,
xanthones and long chain hydrocarbons.
The pericarp (fruit hull) contains the
xanthone derivatives, mangostin, normangostin,
beta-mangostin, gammamangostin,
isomangostin as major
Mangostin, isolated from the rind
of fruit, inhibited primary and secondary
responses to adjuvant-induced
arthritis in rats. Mangostin, isomangostin
and mangostin triacetate exhibited
pronounced anti-inflammatory
activity in rats both by i.p. and oral
Mangostin also produced antiulcer
activity in rats.
Mangostin and some of its derivatives
produced CNS depression, characterized
by ptosis, sedation and decreased
motor activity.
Gamma-mangostin showed more
potent radical scavenging and antioxidant
activity than BHA.
280 Garcinia morella (Gaertn) Desv.
Garcinia morella (Gaertn) Desv.
Synonym G. pictoria Roxb.
Family Guttiferae; Clusiaceae.
Habitat Throughout southern
India, also in Assam and West
Bengal, up to , m
English Indian Gamboge.
Ayurvedic Kankushtha, Tamaal,
Taapichha, Ushaare-revand.
Siddha/Tamil Iravakhinni.
Action Gum-resin—hydragogue,
cathartic, anthelmintic. Used in
dropy and amenorrhoea. Causes
nausea, vomiting and griping in
large doses.
The gum contains morellin, neomorellin,
beta-guttiferin and alphaguttiferin
and their derivatives. The
heartwood gave morelloflavone. Seed
coat gave morellin, isomorellin and
their neo derivatives which exhibited
antibacterial and antiprotozoal activity.
Dosage Gum-resin—– mg.
Garcinia pedunculata Roxb.
Family Guttiferae; Clusiaceae.
Habitat Forests of northeast
Bengal, sporadic in NEFA, Manipur
and upper Assam
Ayurvedic Amlavetasa. Vetasaamla.
Folk Thaikala (Bengal).
Action Antiscorbutic, astringent,
cooling, cardiotonic, emollient.
Used in anorexia, dyspepsia, colic,
liver and spleen diseases difficult
micturition. Cough and other
respiratory disorders, ulcers and
skin diseases.
Dry fruits (pericarp) contain the
benzophenones, pedunculol, garcinol
and cambogin.
The heartwood gave benzophenone
and xanthone.
Dosage Fruit—– ml juice.
Garcinia xanthochymus
Hook. f. ex T. And.
Synonym G. tinctoria (DC.) W. F.
Family Guttiferae; Clusiaceae.
Habitat The lower hill forests
of Eastern Himalayas, Peninsular
India, Orissa, Maharashtra and the
English Egg tree.
Ayurvedic Tamaal (var.), Vrkshaamla
Siddha/Tamil Kulavi, Malaippachai,
Mukki, Tamalam
Folk Amsul (Maharashtra).
Action Fruit—anthelmintic, improves
appetite. Also used as a cardiotonic.
Fruit gave xanthochymol
and isoxanthymol (polyprenylated
benzophenone derivatives),
flavones and xanthones.
Gardenia latifolia Ait. 281
Gardenia gummifera Linn. f.
Synonym G. arborea Roxb.
G. inermis Dietr.
Family Rubiaceae.
Habitat Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
English Gummy Cape Jasmine.
Ayurvedic Venupatrikaa, Naadihingu,
Hingushivaatikaa. Hingupatrikaa,
Hingupatri (also equated
with Ferula Jaeschkeana Vatke).
Unani Dikaamaali.
Siddha/Tamil Dikkamalli, Kambil,
Sinna Kambil.
Action Gum—carminative, antispasmodic,
stimulant, diaphoretic,
anthelmintic, antiseptic, expectorant.
Given to children in nervous
disorders and diarrhoea due to
The gum yielded flavones, including
gardenin, de-Me-tangeretin and
nevadensin; wogonins, isoscutellarein,
apigenin and de-MeO-sudachitin.
Dosage Gum—– mg.
Gardenia jasminoides Ellis.
Synonym G. florida Linn.
G. augusta Merrill.
Family Rubiaceae.
Habitat Native to China and Japan;
cultivated in Indian gardens.
English Cape Jasmine.
Ayurvedic Gandharaaja.
Siddha/Tamil Karinga.
Action Plant—cathartic, antispasmodic,
anthelmintic, antiperiodic.
Root—antidysenteric. Also used in
dyspepsia and nervous disorders.
Fruits—used in gastric hyperacidity,
constipation, cholestasis, internally
and externally for inflammation
and as a tranquilizer.
The plant contains iridoid glycosides—
geniposide ., genipin .,
gardenoside . and geniposidic acid
. mg/g The stem and root contain
oleanolic acid, D-mannitol and stigmasterol.
The leaves contain an antifungal
compound, cerbinal.
Geniposide is an important active
principle of the fruit. The fruit also
contain the carotenoids, crocin and
crocetin. Aqueous and methonalic extracts
of the fruit exhibited antioxidant
activity due to the presence of geniposide
and crocin; crocin was more
potent than geniposide.
The extract as well as geniposide
caused a remarkable decrease in GOT,
GPT and ALP activities. They also produced
a significant decrease in the level
of total cholesterol in the serum of
CCl-induced and D-galactosamineintoxicated
rats. The crude extract as
well as geniposide exhibited protective
effect against induced hyperbilirubinemia
by effectively lowering serum
Gardenia latifolia Ait.
Family Rubiaceae.
282 Gardenia resinifera Roth.
Habitat Throughout the greater
part of India, mostly in dry forests.
English Boxwood Gardenia.
Ayurvedic Parpataki.
Siddha/Tamil Kumbay, Perungambil.
Folk Paaparaa, Ban-pindaalu.
Action Bark—used in skin diseases.
The stem bark contains hederagenin,
D-mannitol, sitosterol and siaresinolic,
episiaresinolic, oleanolic and
spinosic acid.
Gardenia resinifera Roth.
Synonym G. lucida Roxb.
Family Rubiaceae.
Habitat Central India and Deccan
Ayurvedic Naadihingu (related
species), Jantuka.
Unani Dikaamaali.
Siddha/Tamil Kambil, Kumbai,
Action Gum—antimicrobial,
anthelmintic; used in skin diseases.
Gum gave flavonoids—gardenins,
wagonin derivatives, de-Metangeretin,
nevadensin, hexacosylp-
coumarate. See G. gummifera.
Gardenia turgida Roxb.
Synonym Ceriscoides turgida Roxb.
Family Rubiaceae.
Habitat Throughout the greater
part of India, up to , m
Ayurvedic Mahaapindi, Karahaata,
Kharahaara. (Bark is sold as
Bhaargi.) Thanella.
Siddha/Tamil Nanjundam, Malangarai.
Action Root—used as a remedy
for indigestion in children. Fruits—
used in affections of the mammary
glands. Pounded pulp is applied to
forehead in fever.
The bark and wood gave beta-sitosterol,
hederagenin, Me-esters of oleanolic
and gypsogenic acids. Root gave
Saponins from bark decreased formation
of histamine and may find use
in asthma. (Market drug is expectorant
andweak spasmolytic, butwas not
found effective in asthma.)
Garuga pinnata Roxb.
Family Burseraceae.
Habitat Throughout India, up to
, m on the hills.
English Grey Downy Balsam.
Ayurvedic Paaranki, Kharpata.
(Kinkiraata, Karnikaara, Mrigalindika
are doubtful synonyms.)
Siddha/Tamil Karre Vembu,
Folk Ghogar, Toon.
Action Fruit—stomachic. Leaf—
astringent, antiasthmatic. Bark—
Gentiana kurroo Royle. 283
The leaves and stem bark contain
sterols, sitosterol, stigmasterol and
campesterol; fatty acids; aliphatic compounds;
a mixture of long chain esters;
along with tannins and waxes.
The leaves also contain garugarin
and amentoflavone. Gum-resin
contains alpha-amyrin, butyrospermol
and dammarandiol.
Aqueous and ethanolic extract of the
leaves exhibit anti-inflammatory and
antiallergic activities.
Gaultheria fragrantissima Wall.
Family Ericaceae.
Habitat Central and Eastern
Himalayas, Khasi Hills, Western
Ghats, the Nilgiris and Travancore.
English Fragrant Wintergreen,
Indian Wintergreen. (Wintergreen
oil is obtained from G. procumbens
Linn., a native of America.)
Ayurvedic Gandhapuura, Gandhapuurna.
Siddha/Tamil Kolakkaai.
Action Leaves—stimulant, carminative,
diuretic, antiseptic. Oil (in
the form of liniment or ointment)—
applied externally in rheumatism,
sciatica and neuralgia. The plant is
strongly irritant.
The leaves gave hyperoside (quercetin-
-galactoside), ursolic acid, betasitosterol
and essential oil containing
methyl salicylate as a major constituent.
The yield of oil from Assam
plants contains .% methyl salicylate.
Heptyl aldehyde, present in the
low boiling fraction of the oil, brought
about the regression of tumours in
mice and dogs.
Gelidium amansii Kutz.
Family Gelidaceae, Rhodophyceae.
Habitat Indigenous to Japan.
English Agar Agar, Japanese
Isinglass. (Dried mucilaginous
Folk Agar-Agar.
Action Bulk-laxative. Agar-Agar
does not increase peristaltic action.
Its action is similar to that of
cellulose of vegetable foods which
aids the regularity of the bowel
movement. (Often made into an
emulsion with liquid paraffin for
use in constipation.)
Most agars consist of two major
polygalactoses, the neutral agarose
and the sulphonated polysaccharide
agaropectin, with traces of amino acids
and free sugars.
Agar contains a large amount of
pectin whichmay precipitate when exposed
to alcohol. (Sharon M Herr.)
Gentiana kurroo Royle.
Family Gentianaceae.
Habitat Kashmir and North-West
English Himalayan Gentian, Indian
Gentian Root.
Ayurvedic Traayamaana, Traayanti,
Traayanta, Traayantikaa, Neelkanthi,
Anujaa, Girijaa, Girishaanujaa,
284 Geophila repens (Linn.) I. M. Johnson.
Balbhra, Paalani. (Paakhaanabheda
is a wrong synonym)
Unani Ghaafis.
Action Sialagogue, digestant,
appetite-stimulant, antispasmodic,
anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue.
Used for alkalosis, feeble digestion
in the elderly from gastric acid
deficiency (increases gastric juices
without altering PH); also used for
jaundice, nausea, vomiting, travel
sickness, diarrhoea, malaria and
nervous exhaustion. (In Chinese
medicine, Gentiana sp., known as
Longdan, are used for jaundice,
hepatitis, urinary tract infections,
pruritis and eczema.)
Key application Gentiana lutea—
internally, for digestive disorders,
such as lack of appetite, fullness and
flatulence (German Commission
E, WHO), for anorexia following
illness and dyspepsia (ESCOP).
The British Herbal Compendium
approves gentian for lack of
appetite, anorexia, atonic dyspepsia,
gastrointestinal atony, and as
antiemetic. The British Herbal
Pharmacopoia recognizes it as
a bitter tonic.
The rhizome and roots of G. Kurroo
contain iridoid glycoside; major
component was identified as -
The rhizomes and roots of Picrorhiza
kurrooa Royle ex Benth., found in
the Himalayas, have similar properties
and uses and are mixed or substituted
for those of G. kurroo.
Gentiana lutea (Yellow Gentian) is
a native of Europe and AsiaMinor and
is imported into India. The most important
constituents of the drug are
secoiridoid bitter compounds, amarogentin
and gentiopicroside, together
with traces of swertiamarin and
sweroside. The roots also contain alkaloids,
gentianine and gentioflavine,
xanthones, and bitter oligosaccharides,
gentiobiose and gentianose.
Amarogentin, gentiopicrin, swertiamarin,
sioeroside (iridoid monoterpenes)
are toxic constituents.
Gentiana tenella Rottb., synonym
Gentianella tenella H. Smith and G.
decumbens Linn.f. occur at high altitudes
in the Himalayas, and are used
as substitutes for gentian. G. tenella is
known as Kadu in Kashmir and Titaa
in Punjab. The rhizome is used as
Traayamaana in Ayurvedic medicine.
The flowering tops of G. olivieri
Griseb., synonym G. dahurica Fisch.,
used in Unani medicine as Gul-e-
Ghaafis, are imported into India from
Dosage Root—– g powder.
Geophila repens
(Linn.) I. M. Johnson.
Synonym G. reniformis D. Don.
Family Rubiaceae.
Habitat Assam,Western Ghats and
Andaman Islands.
Folk Karintakaali (Kerala).
Action Properties are similar
(though inferior) to those of Ipeac
(Cephaelis ipecacuanha A. Rich.).
Geum urbanum auct. non Linn. 285
Geranium nepalense Sweet.
Synonym G. affine W. & A.
Family Geraniaceae.
Habitat Temperate Himalayas,
Kashmir, Khasi Hills and the
English Nepal Geranium, Nepalese
Crane's Bill.
Ayurvedic Bhanda, Bhandaa.
Folk Ratanjot (var.), Roel (Kashmir).
Action Astringent, styptic,
used in renal diseases, diarrhoea,
internal and external bleeding.
Also used topically for ulcers and
Theplant gave geraniin, kaempferol-
-rhamnoside and kaempferitrin. The
leaves gave tannins.
EtOH (%) extract of the plant exhibited
hypotensive activity.
A gastrointestinal-contracting choline-
like substance has been isolated
from var. thumbergii and is found useful
for the treatment of gastrointestinal
disorders such as gastroptosis.
Geranium robertianum Linn.
Family Geraniaceae.
Habitat Western Himalayas from
Kashmir to Garhwal at ,–
, m.
English Herb-Robert Geranium.
Action Haemostatic, astringent,
antidiarrhoeic, styptic, antidiabetic.
The herb has a disagreeable odour
and a bitter, saline and astringent taste.
Applied externally as a resolvent to tumours.
In Western herbal, the herb is used
for diarrhoea, to improve functioning
of liver and gallbladder and to prevent
the formation of calculi.
Theherb contains several flavonoids
including rutin. A ethanolic extract
can inhibit the growth of E. coli, P.
aeruginosa and S. aureus.
Geranium wallichianum
D. Don ex Sweet.
Family Geraniaceae.
Habitat Western Himalayas from
Kashmir to Kumaon at ,–
, m.
English Wallich Crane's Bill.
Ayurvedic Ratanjot (substitute).
Folk Laal Jadi, Laal Jahri.
Kaoashund (Kashmir).
Action Astringent.
The root stocks sometimes substituted
for those of Coptis teeta Wall.;
contain –% tannins and % nontannins.
Geum urbanum auct. non Linn.
Family Rosaceae.
Habitat The temperate Himalayas
from Kashmir to Kumaon at ,–
, m Grows wild in Europe and
Great Britain.
English Avens Root, Herb Bennet,
Wood Avens.
286 Ginkgo biloba Linn.
Action Astringent, styptic,
stomachic, febrifuge.
The herb and root was used in Europe
in chronic dysentery, diarrhoea
and intermittent fevers. In India, an
infusion of the rootstock is used as
sudorific in fevers, ague, chills and
Eugenol is present in the root stock
in combination with vacianose as phenolic
glycoside gein. The rootstock
contains tannins (–%).
A related species, G. elatum Wall., is
found in the Himalayas from Kashmir
to Sikkim It is used for dysentery and
Ginkgo biloba Linn.
Family Ginkgoaceae.
Habitat Native to China and Japan;
cultivated in Indian gardens as an
English Maidenhair tree called
Living Fossils (in India), Kew tree.
Action Antagonizes bronchospasm,
used as a circulatory stimulant,
peripheral vasodilator.
Key application Standardized
dry extract—for symptomatic
treatment of disturbed performance
in organic brain syndrome within
the regimen of a therapeutic concept
in cases of dementia syndromes—
memory deficits, disturbance in
concentration, depressive emotional
conditions, dizziness, tinnitus and
headache. (German Commission
E, ESCOP, WHO.) As vasoactive
and platelet aggregation inhibitor.
(The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)
(For pharmocological studies in
humans and clinical studies, see
The majority of pharmacological
studies and clinical trials have been
conduced using a standardized extract
which contains % flavonoid glycosides
(Ginko flavone glycosides) and
% terpenoids (ginkgolides and bilobalide).
The extract increases tolerance to
hypoxia and exhibits anti-ischaemic
effect. It simultaneously improves the
fluidity of blood, decreases platelet adhesion,
decreases platelet and erythrocyte
aggregation and reduces plasma
and blood viscosity. The extract protects
erythrocytes from haemolysis.
The extract also decreases the permeability
of capillaries and protects the
cell membrane by trapping deleterious
free radicals.
The extract also increased cerebral
blood flow in about % patients evaluated
(patients between – year age
had % increase from the base line,
compared with % in those - to -
A reversal of sexual dysfunction
with concurrent use of ginkgo with
antidepressant drugs has been reported.
(Am J Psychiatry, (), –
e National Centre for Complementary
and Alternative Medicine,
USA, is conducting a -year study
of people aged and older to
determine if ginkgo, mg daily,
prevents dementia or Alzheimer's
c/r). .
Gloriosa superba Linn. 287
Girardinia heterophylla Decne.
Synonym G. diversifolia (Link)
Family Urticaceae.
Habitat Temperate and sub-tropical
Himalayas fromKashmir to Sikkim,
and in Assam and Khasi hills.
English Himalayan Nettle.
Ayurvedic Vrishchikaa.
Folk Bichhuu-booti, Awaa, Chikri.
Action Leaves—decoction is given
in fevers; applied externally to
swollen joints, also as a paste for
headache. (Due to stringing hair,
the plant causes dermatitis and is
known as Bichhuu.)
The leaves contain -OH-tryptamine
and histamine, also AC-choline.
The plant gave beta-sitosterol.
Gironniera reticulata Thw.
Synonym G. cuspidata Kurz.
Family Ulmaceae.
Habitat Northeastern parts of
India and in Deccan Peninsula.
Siddha/Tamil Kodaittani.
Folk Narakyaa-ood (Maharashtra,
Indian bazar).
Action Blood-purifier in itch and
cutaneous eruptions; mixed with
lemon juice, applied externally.
The wood contains a skatole and silica
Gisekia pharnaceoides Linn.
Family Aizoaceae.
Habitat Drier parts of Northern
and Western India and Deccan
Ayurvedic Elavaaluka (var.).
(Prunus cerasus Linn., Rosaceae, is
the accepted source of Elavaaluka.)
Folk Baalu-ka-saag, Morang,
Action Anthelmintic. Fresh herb is
used for taenia.
The plant contains triacontane, dotriacontane,
myristone, sugars, and
Glinus lotoides Linn.
Synonym Mollugo lotoides (L.)
O. Kuntze.
Mhirta Thumb.
Family Molluginaceae; Aizoaceae.
Habitat Throughout the plains and
lower ghats of India in river beds.
Siddha/Tamil Siru seruppadai.
Folk Gandhi-buuti.
Action Plant—antidiarrhoeal,
antibilious, diuretic. Decoction is
given in piles.
The plant gave pentacyclic triterpenoid
sapogenins; amixture of beta-and
gamma-sitosterol, oleanolic acid, mollugogenol
and its constituents. Aerial
parts gave vitexin and vicenin.
Gloriosa superba Linn.
Family Liliaceaes.
288 Glossocardia bosvallia DC.
Habitat Throughout tropical India,
up to , m on the hills.
English Glory Lily, Super Lily,
Tiger's Claws.
Ayurvedic Laangali, Laangaliki,
Laangalaki, Laanglaahva, Indrapushpi,
Agnishikhaa, Anantaa,
Vishaalyaa, Halini, Sirikramaa,
Shukrapushpikaa, Vahnimukhi,
Garbhanut, Garbhapaatani. Kalihaari
(Costus specious Koen., is also
used as Kalihaari), Kalikaari.
Siddha/Tamil Kalappankizhangu.
Action Tuberous root—antiinflammatory,
alterative, anthelmintic,
antileprotic. Used for
piles, swollen joints, parasitical
affections of skin. Fresh juice of
plant—uterine stimulant.
The root contain colchicine .–
.%. Colchicine and its derivatives are
present in tubers, seeds and flowers.
The seeds are used as raw material
for preparing drugs for gout. They are
considered a rich source of colchicine
and gloriosine.
Theherb is a gastrointestinal irritant.
Dosage Detoxified tuberous root—
– mg. (API Vol. III.)
Glossocardia bosvallia DC.
Synonym G. linearifolia Cass.
Family Compositae; Asteraceae.
Habitat Plains of Northern
and Western India and Deccan
Ayurvedic Parpata (substitute).
(Fumaria parvifolora Linn., Hedyotis
corymbosa (L.) Lam synonym
Oldenlandia corymbosa Linn.,
Mollugo cerviana (L.) Ser., Justicia
procumbens Linn., Polycarpea
corymbosa Lam are also used as
Parpata for fevers.)
Siddha Parapalanamu.
Action Used as emmenagogue.
The essential oil from the plant is
antimicrobial, that from flowers anthelmintic.
Glycine max Merrill.
Synonym G. soja Sieb. & Zucc.
G. hispida Maxim.
Family Papilionaceae; Fabaceae.
Habitat Native to South East Asia;
now cultivated as pulse crop mainly
in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh,
Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Gujarat, Naga Hills, Mainpur and
English Soybean, Soya.
Folk Soyabean, Raam Kurthi, Bhat.
Action Used as a protein supplement.
(Products include fortified
wheat flour, soymilk, snack foods,
cooking oil.)
Key application Soy lecithin (phospholipids
extracted from the seeds
of G. max)—used for moderate
disturbances of fat metabolism,
especially hypercholesterolaemic (if
dietary measures are not sufficient).
(German Commission E.)
Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn. 289
Soybean is rich in protein, oil and
minerals, but low in carbohydrates. It
also contains water-and fat-soluble vitamins.
The major portion of soy protein
is composed of glycinin and betaconglycinin.
Wheat flour can be fortified with
full-fat or defatted soyflour for balancing
it in essential amino acids, lysine
and methionine.
Soy saponins are divided into three
groups according to their respective
type of aglycon, soyasapogenol A, B
and E. Saponin A and AB group fraction
protects the liver against antioxidation
and improved lipid metabolism
in the injured liver.
Administration of a small peptide
derived from soybean showed antifatigue,
antiobesity and hypoglycaemic
activity in mice.
Feeding soy protein to hamsters,
consistently, resulted in significantly
reduced incidence of gallstones.
In studies of experimental carcinogenesis
in animals, soybean isoflavones
exhibited protective effect in % animals.
Glycosmis pentaphylla
(Retz.) DC.
Synonym G. arborea (Roxb.)
A. DC.
G. cochinchinensis Gamble.
Limonia pentaphylla Retz.
Family Rutaceae.
Habitat Peninsular India and
Andaman Islands. Cultivated in
Ayurvedic Vana-nimbuukaa,
Siddha/Tamil Konji, Amam,
Folk Bana-Nimbu, Paanal (Kerala).
Action Plant—bechic, antianaemic,
antirheumatic. Root—
anti-inflammatory. Leaf—used in
Jaundice and liver disorders, eczema
and other skin affections. Leaf and
root—vermifuge, febrifuge. A paste
of the wood is applied externally to
Leaf extract from a Sri Lankan plant
yielded the alkaloids arborine, skimmianine
and arborinine. The steam
distillate of leaves showed significant
antifungal activity.
Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.
Family Papilionaceae; Fabaceae.
Habitat Native to the Mediterranean
regions. Now grown in
Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir and
South India.
English Licorice, Liquorice.
Ayurvedic Yashtimadhu, Madhuyashtyaahvaa,
Madhuli, Madhuyashtikaa,
Atirasaa, Madhurasaa,
Madhuka, Yastikaahva, Yashtyaahva,
Yashti, Yashtika, Yashtimadhuka.
Klitaka (also equatedwith Indigofera
tinctoria). (Klitaka and Klitanakam
were considered as aquatic varieties
of Yashtimadhu.)
Unani Asl-us-soos, Mulethi.
Rubb-us-soos (extract).
Siddha/Tamil Athimathuram.
290 Gmelina arborea Roxb.
Action Demulcent, expectorant,
antiallergic, anti-inflammatory,
spasmolytic, mild laxative, antistress,
antidepressive, antiulcer,
liver protective, estrogenic, emmenagogue,
antidiabetic. Used in
bronchitis, dry cough, respiratory
infections, catarrh, tuberculosis;
genitourinary diseases, urinary tract
infections; abdominal pain, gastric
and duodenal ulcers, inflamed
stomach, mouth ulcer. Also used
for adrenocorticoid insufficiency.
Key application In catarrh of
the upper respiratory tract and
gastric, duodenal ulcers. (German
Commission E, ESCOP, WHO.)
The British Herbal Compendium indicates
the use of liquorice for bronchitis,
chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer,
rheumatism and arthritis, adrenocorticoid
insufficiency, and to prevent
liver toxicity. Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia
recognizes its use as an antiinflammatory
and antiulcer agent.
The main chemical constituent of
liquorice is glycyrrhizin (about –
%), a triterpene saponin with low
haemolytic index. Glycyrrhetinic (glycyrrhetic)
acid (.–.%), the aglycone
of glycyrrhizin is also present in
the root. Other active constituents of
liquorice include isoflavonoids, chalcones,
coumarins, triterpenoids and
sterols, lignans, amino acids, amines,
gums and volatile oils.
Hypokalemia is the greatest threat
when liquorice preparations high in
glycyrrhizin are prescribed for prolonged
periods. Liquorice causes fluid
retention. Patients should be placed
on a high potassium and low sodium
diet. Special precautions should be
takenwith elderly patients and patients
with hypertension or cardiac, renal or
hepatic disease.
A special liquorice extract known as
DGL (deglycyrrhizinated liquorice) is
used in the treatment of peptic ulcer.
Oral liquoricepreparations, containing
acid, are used for the treatment of
viral infections—viral hepatitis, common
cold. Topical preparations, containing
glycyrrhetinic acid, are used
for herpes, eczema, psoriasis.
In Japan, a preparation of glycyrrhizin,
cysteine and glycine is used by injection
for the treatment of acute and
chronic hepatitis.
Dosage Root—– g powder. (API
Vol. I.)
Gmelina arborea Roxb.
Synonym Premna arborea Roth.
Family Verbenaceae.
Habitat Throughout India, up to
,mon the hills and in Andaman
Island; also grown in gardens.
English Candahar tree,White Teak.
Ayurvedic Gambhaari, Kaashmari,
Kaashmarya, Sarvatobhadraa,
Bhadra, Mahaabhadraa, Sadaabhadraa,
Madhuparnikaa, Sriparni,
Pitarohini, Hiraa, Bhadraparni,
Siddha/Tamil Kattanam, Kumizham
Action Leaf—demulcent, bechic.
Used for removing foetid disG
Gnetum montanum Markgraf. 291
charges from ulcers. Root—
stomachic, laxative, antibilious,
demulcent, galactagogue. Bark—
anticephalalgic. Root and bark—
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India
recommends the use of the bark
and stemin inflammatory diseases and
oedema; the fruit in dysuria and haemorrhagic
The heartwood contains lignans, arborone,
-oxodihydrogmelinol, paulownin
acetate and epieudesmin; metrans-
p-methoxycinnamate and transp-
hydroxycinnamic acid.
Alcoholic extract of stem bark
showed anti-inflammatory activity
comparable to phenylbutazone.
Dosage Root, root bark—– g
for decoction. (API Vol. I.)
Gmelina asiatica Linn.
Synonym G. parvifolia Roxb.
Family Verbenaceae.
Habitat South India; planted in
gardens in Maharashtra and West
English Small Cashmere tree.
Ayurvedic Gambhaari (related
species), Gopabhadra, Vikarini.
Siddha/Tamil Kumizham
Action Root and leaf—demulcent,
alterative, blood purifier (used in
venereal diseases), anticatarrhal,
astringent, antirheumatic.
The plant contains lignans of the
furofuran series.
The leaves show antibiotic activity
against E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
Gnaphalium luteo-album Linn.
Family Asteraceae.
Habitat Throughout India,
ascending up to , m in the
English Jersey Cudweed, Cotton
Weed, Cat's Foot, Everlasting
Folk Bal-raksha.
Action Leaves—astringent,
haemostatic, vulnerary. The
tomentum is applied as counterirritant
in gout, also used as
Gnetum montanum Markgraf.
Synonym G. scandens Roxb. in
Family Gnetaceae.
Habitat Tropical Himalayas from
Nepal to Bhutan, Assam and
English Joint Fir.
Siddha/Tamil Anapendu, Peiodal
(G. ula.)
Action Seed oil—antirheumatic.
Plant— antiperiodic. Leaves—
The stem-wood yielded bergenin,
acetophenone and stilbene derivatives.
292 Gnida glauca (Fresen.) Gilg.
G. ula Brongn. non-Karst is found in
evergreen forests ofWestern and Eastern
Ghats up to , m.
Gnida glauca (Fresen.) Gilg.
Synonym G. eriocephalus Meis.
Lasiosiphon glaucus Fresen.
L. eriocephalus (Meisner) Decne.
Habitat Western Ghats.
Action Leaf—anti-inflammatory;
used for contusions and swellings.
The plant contains bicoumarins,
lysocephalin and lasiocrin; a coumarin
glucoside, crioside, and a bicoumarin
glycoside, eriocephaloside. The plant
also gave ingiresinol, syringin, genkwanin
and its glycoside, beta-sitosterol
and its glucoside.
Gordonia obtusa Wall.
Family Theaceae.
Habitat Konkan and Western
Folk Miyili, Atangi, Ola, Nagette,
Thorilla (Tamil Nadu).
Action Leaves—stomachic,
Leaves contain .% alkaloid and
tannic acid. The bark contains ellagic
acid and coumarin.
Gossypium arboreum Linn.
Family Malvaceae.
Habitat Cultivated all over India as
a fibre plant.
English Tree Cotton, Desi Cotton.
Ayurvedic Kaarpaasi.
Siddha/Tamil Sempartthi (Red
Cotton), Sivappuparutthi.
Folk Kapaasa.
Action Seed—anticatarrhal (used
in consumption), antigonorrhoeic
(used in gleet and chronic cystitis).
Root—febrifuge. Plant (especially
leaf)—uterine stimulant.
The glands contain –% gossypol,
a polyphenolic toxic compound.
Seeds contain .–.% protein,
.–.% free gossypol. Gossypol
is a male contraceptive. At an initial
dose of mg/day orally for
months, followed by – mg weekly
maintenance dose, sperm motility is
reduced initially as it inhibits important
enzymes of metabolic pathways
thus affecting availability of enzyme
to spermatozoa. Subsequently sperm
production is blocked.
Gossypol is reported to cause a transient
weakness early in therapy, hypokalaemia
and changes in ECG
among other side effects.
Gossypol also assistsmenstrual flow
and effectively inhibits eggs implantation.
Gossypol and its derivatives have
been shown to have significant antimicrobial
activity as well as wound healing
effect. It is reported to kill herpes
Gossypium barbadense Linn.
Family Malvaceae.
Gracilaria lichenoides (Linn.) Harv. 293
Habitat Native to South America,
particularly its north-western parts.
Also cultivated in India.
English Egyptian Cotton, Sea-
Island Cotton.
Ayurvedic Kaarpaasa.
Siddha/Tamil Semparutthi.
Folk Kapaasa.
Action Root—emmenagogue,
oxytocic, abortifacient, parturient,
lactagogue. Seed and leaf—
antidysenteric. Seed—galactogogue,
pectoral, febrifuge. Seed
oil—used externally for clearing
spots and freckles from the
skin. Leaf—hypotensive, antirheumatic.
Flower—used in
hypochondriasis and bronchial
The seed contains .–.% protein;
.–. free gossypol.
Gossypium herbaceum Linn.
Family Malvaceae.
Habitat Cultivated mainly in
Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Pradesh and Karnataka.
English Asiatic Cotton, Levant
Cotton, Uppam Cotton.
Ayurvedic Kaarpaasa, Kaarpaasi,
Kaarpaasaka, Rakta-Kaarpaasa,
Shona-Kaarpaasa, Samudraantaa,
Tuula, Pichu, Bhaaradwaaji,
Unani Pambahdaanaa. (Seed.)
Siddha/Tamil Paruttikkootam
Action Root bark—diuretic,
oxytocic. Bark—emmenagogue,
haemostatic. Seed—demulcent,
laxative, expectorant, abortifacient,
galactagogue, nervine, anticephalalgic.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India
recommends the seed oil for toning
up the breast.
The seed contains .–.% protein,
free gossypol .–.%.
Dosage Seeds, devoid of lint—–
g powder. (API Vol. I.)
Gouania leptostachya DC.
Synonym G. tiliaefolia Lam.
Family Rhamnaceae.
Habitat Sub-Himalayan region
from Kangra eastwards and in parts
of Assam, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and
Andhra Pradesh.
Folk Batvaasi (Nepal), Batvaasi
(Bengal), Bitkil-chaand (Bihar).
Action Leaves—used in poultices
for sores. Bark—used for washing
hair for destroying vermin.
The bark and root contain saponin.
Theleaves of a related species, Gouania
microcarpa DC., found in Peninsular
India from Konkan southwards,
gave a triterpenic acid, along with
tetratriacontanoic acid.
Gracilaria lichenoides
(Linn.) Harv.
Family Rhodophyceae.
294 Grangea maderaspatana Poir.
Habitat The coasts of Indian Ocean
and Chilka Lake.
English Moss.
Folk Chinai-ghaas. Known as
Ceylon Agar-Agar or Agal-Agal.
Action Emollient, diuretic,
alterative. Aqueous extract—
antihypotensive and spasmolytic.
Aqueous extract contains prostaglandins.
Grangea maderaspatana Poir.
Synonym Artemisia maderaspatana
Family Compositae; Asteraceae.
Habitat Throughout the greater
part of India.
Ayurvedic Aakaarakarabha
substitute (doubtful).
Siddha/Tamil Maasipathri.
Folk Mastaru, Mukhatari,
Maachipatri (Maharashtra).
Action Leaf—stomachic, antispasmodic,
sedative, emmenagogue,
deobstruent, antiseptic. Used in
Aerial parts of the plant afforded
clerodane derivatives. Presence of
phytol, lupeol, p-hydroxybenzoic acid,
a phenylalanine derivative, hardwickiic
acid, strictic acid and butenolides, is
reported. Aura amide was also isolated
from the aerial parts.
A mixture of flavonoids extracted
from the aerial parts exhibited oestrogenicity
and anti-implantation activity
in mice. A crude extract of the plant
exhibited strong cytotoxic activity.
Graptophyllum picum (L.) Griff.
Synonym G. hortense Nees.
Justica picta L.
Family Acanthaceae.
Habitat A native to Polynesia;
introduced into Indian gardens.
English Caricature Plant.
Folk Kaalaa-aduusaa (Maharashtra).
Ysjudemaram (Tamil
Action Leaves—emollient and
resolvent; applied to swellings and
ulcers. (Used as a substitute for
Adhatoda vasica).
Grewia asiatica auct. non L.
Synonym G. subinaequalis DC.
Family Tiliaceae.
Habitat Extensively cultivated in
Ayurvedic Parushaka, Parusha.
Unani Phaalsaa.
Siddha/Tamil Palisa,Thadachi.
Action Fruit—stomachic, astringent,
cooling. Bark—demulcent.
Root bark—antirheumatic. Leaf—
used in pastular eruptions.
Thebark contains taraxasterol, betasitosterol,
erythrodiol; lupeol, betulin,
lupenone, friedelin; alpha-amyrin.The
Grewia tiliaefolia Vahl. 295
heartwood gave beta-sitosterol. Quercetin,
kaempferol and their glycosides
were also obtained from the leaves.
Ripe fruits are rich in vitamin A and
C; threonine, phosphoserine, serine
and taurine are the dominant amino
acids in the juice. The fruits also contain
sodium , potassium , and
calcium ppm
Fruits also gave pelargonidin-, -
diglucoside, quercetin, quercetin---
beta-D-glucoside, naringenin and --
The stem bark exhibited antifertility
Dosage Ripe fruit—–ml juice.
Grewia hirsuta Vahl.
Synonym G. polygama Mast.
Family Tiliaceae.
Habitat Sub-Himalayan tract from
the Indus to Nepal up to , m,
also in hills of Bihar, Orissa and
Tamil Nadu.
Ayurvedic Naagabalaa, Gudsharkaraa.
Siddha/Tamil Tavadu.
Folk Gulshakari.
Action Fruit and root—diuretic,
antidiarrhoeal. Roots and
leaves, crushed with sugar candy,
are prescribed for spermatorrhoea.
Dosage Root—– ml decoction.
Grewia populifolia Vahl.
Synonym G. tenax (Forsk.) Aschers
& Schwf.
Family Tiliaceae.
Habitat Cultivated in Punjab, Sind,
Rajasthan andWestern India, down
to the Nilgiri Hills.
Ayurvedic Gaangeru(ki). Substitute
for Gulshakari (Naagabalaa).
Siddha/Tamil Achhu.
Folk Gangeran.
Action See G. hirsuta.
The stem bark contains triterpenoids.
Dosage Root—– ml juice; –
ml decotion. (CCRAS.)
Grewia sclerophylla
Roxb. ex G. Don.
Synonym G. scabrophylla Roxb.
G. obliqua auct. non-Juss.
Family Tiliaceae.
Habitat Sub-Himalayan tract and
outer hills from Kumaon to Bhutan
up to , m and in Assam
Ayurvedic Parushaka (related
species), Dhanvana (related species)
Siddha/Tamil Kattu Kadali.
Folk Jangali Phaalsaa.
Action Root—emollient, bechic.
Used in irritable conditions of the
intestines and bladder.
Grewia tiliaefolia Vahl.
Family Tiliaceae.
296 Grewia villosa Willd.
Habitat Upper Gengetic plain, Bihar,
Bengal, Central and Peninsular
English Dhaman.
Ayurvedic Dhanvana, Dhanurvriksha.
Siddha/Tamil Tarra, Unnu, Sadachi.
Folk Dhaamin, Dhaaman.
Action Bark—antidysenteric. Stem
bark—semen coagulant. Plant—
used in fractures.
The roots and bark gave triterpenoids.
A related species, Grewia optiva,
found in sub-Himalayan tract at –
, m, is also known as Dhaaman.
Grewia villosa Willd.
Family Tiliaceae.
Habitat Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat,
Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
English Tamthar.
Siddha/Tamil Kullai.
Folk Dhohan (Rajasthan), Jalidar
Action Root—antidiarrhoeal. Root
and bark—used in genitourinary
infections, syphilis and smallpox.
The methanol extract of the roots
contain beta-carboline alkaloids, harman,
harmine, harmol, harmalol and
The roots are also used to treat
Guaiacum officinale Linn.
Family Zygophyllaceae.
Habitat Introduced from theWest
Indies; grown as an ornamental.
English Lignum Vitae, Tree-of-life,
Pockwood tree.
Ayurvedic Jivadaaru, Loha-
Unani Chob-hayaat.
Folk Loha-lakkar.
Action Antirheumatic, antiinflammatory,
mild laxative,
diuretic, diaphoretic, fungistatic
(During the sixteenth century it was
used as a cure for syphilis.)
Key application As a supportive
therapy for rheumatic complaints.
(German Commission E.) The
British Herbal Pharmacopoeia
reported anti-inflammatory activity
in the resin.
Several triterpene saponins, sapogenins
and prosapogenins have been
isolated from different parts of the
A triterpenoidal saponin, isolated
from the flowers, showed activity
against Gram-negative bacteria. (The
herb is used as a additive to mouth
Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Synonym G. tomentosa H. B. & K.
Family Sterculiaceae.
Habitat Native to tropical America.
Cultivated as a roadside shade tree
in warmer parts of the country.
English Bastard Cedar.
Gymnema montanum Hook. f. 297
Ayurvedic Pundraaksha, Rudraakshi
(fake Rudraaksha).
Siddha Rudraksham and allied
names are misnomers for this
plant. (Rukraaksha is equated with
Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb.)
Action Fruit—anticatarrhal (used
in bronchitis). Bark—demulcent,
sudorific. Used in skin diseases.
Seed—astringent, carminative,
The plant gave kaempferol glycosides.
Leaves contain octacosanol
and taraxerol-OAC, friedelin--alpha-
OAC, beta-ol and beta-sitosterol.
Bark contains friedelin, betulin and
Guettarda speciosa Linn.
Family Rubiaceae.
Habitat Native to tropical America;
occurs in tidal forests of South
India and in Andaman Islands.
(An extract of flowers, resembling
rose-water, in sold in Travancore
Action Bark—used in chronic
dysentery; also applied to wounds
and abscesses.
Guizotia abyssinica Cass.
Family Compositae; Asteraceae.
Habitat Native to tropical Africa.
Cultivated in Madhya Pradesh,
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and
English Nigerseed.
Siddha/Tamil Pey Ellu, Uch Ellu.
Folk Raam-til, Kaalaa Til, Sargujaa.
Action Oil from seed—antirheumatic.
The seeds yield an oil (%), a mixture
of triglycerides, lauric, palmitic,
palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and
arachidic acids. The unsaponifiable
matter is a mixture of stigmasterol, ntriacontane
and lupeol. Seeds contain
Gymnema hirsutum
Wight & Arn.
Family Asclepiadaceae.
Habitat Southern parts of Uttar
Pradesh adjoining Madhya Pradesh,
also in Bihar andWestern Ghats.
Folk Gurmaar (related species).
Action Leaf—when chewed,
temporarily paralyses the sense of
taste for sweet and bitter substances.
Plant—used as stomachic, bechic,
expectorant, and inmale impotency,
poor lactation.
The leaves contain gymnemic acid.
Gymnema montanum Hook. f.
Family Asclepidaceae.
Habitat Western Ghats from
Konkan southwards.
Folk Gurmaar (related species).
Action See G. sylvertre.
The leaves contain gymnemic acid.
298 Gymnema sylvestre B. Br.
Gymnema sylvestre B. Br.
Family Asclepiadaceae.
Habitat Central and Peninsular
English Australian Cow Plant,
Ipecacuanha (Indian).
Ayurvedic Meshashringi, Meshavishaanikaa,
Meshavalli, Chhaagalshrngi.
Ajashringi (also equated
with Dolichandrone falcata and
Pergularia extensa).
Unani Gurmaar Buuti.
Siddha/Tamil Kannu Minnayamkodi,
Passaam, Shirukurinja.
Action Leaf—antidiabetic. Stimulates
the heart and circulatory
system, activates the uterus. Used
in parageusia and furunculosis.
Plant—diuretic, antibilious. Root—
emetic, expectorant, astringent,
Gymnemagenin, the main sapogenin
in the leaves, yielded .–.% of
total gymnemic acids.
Gymnemic acids are antisweet principles
and exhibit inhibitory effect on
levels of plasma glucose.
The extract of dried leaves, given to
diabetic rats at a dose of mg/day
per rat for weeks, was found to bring
about blood glucose homoeostasis by
increasing serum insulin levels. Increased
glycoprotein level and the resultant
nephropathy, retinopathy and
micro-and macro-angiopathy were also
The leaf extract (– mg/kg),
when orally administered to experimentally
induced hyperlipidaemic rats
for weeks, reduced the elevatedserum
triglyceride and total cholesterol in
a dose-dependent manner. The efficacy
and antiatherosclerotic potential of
the extract ( mg/kg) were comparable
to that of a lipid lowering agent,
In homoeopathy, a drug obtained
from the leaves and roots is prescribed
for both diabetesmellitus and insipidus
Gymnemic acid is reported to inhibit
melanin formation in vitro. It also
inhibits dental plaque formation.
Dosage Root, leaf—– g powder;
– ml decoction. (CCRAS.)
Gymnosporia spinosa
(Forsk.) Fiori.
Synonym G. Montana (Roth)
Maytenus senegulensis Exell.
M. emarginata Ding Hou.
Family Celastraceae.
Habitat Throughout the drier parts
of India.
Ayurvedic Vikankata (substitute)
Sruva-Vrksha (substitute),
Siddha/Tamil Kattangi,Nandunarai,
Folk Baikal.
Action Plant—antispasmodic.
Root—used in gastroenteritis and
Thebark is ground to a paste and applied
withmustard oil to kill lice in the
hair. A decoction of leafy twigs is used
as a mouth wash to relieve toothache.
Gynocardia odorata R.Br. 299
The leaves contain celacinnine, alpha-
and beta-amyrin, beta-amyrone,
beta-sitosterol and its -O-glucoside
and kaempferol. The extracts of the
plant show cytotoxic effect on some
cancers. An ointment, prepared by
mixing leaf ash and purified butter, is
used for sores.
Gynandropsis gynandra
(Linn.) Briq.
Synonym G. pentaphylla DC.
Cleome gynandra Linn.
Family Capparidaceae.
Habitat Throughout warmer parts
of India.
Ayurvedic Tilaparni (white
var.), (Pita or yellow-flowered
var. is equated with Cleome viscosa
Linn.), Ajagandhaa, Pashugandhaa,
Ugragandhaa, Puutigandhaa,
Barbaraka. Suuryaavartta has been
equated with G. pentaphylla DC.
Siddha/Tamil Thaivelai, Nalvelai.
Action Leaves and seeds—used
in the same way as mustard.
Bruised leaves—rubefacient and
vesicant, used as counter-irritant
in headache, neuralgia, rheumatic
affections. Roots—decoction,
febrifuge. Seeds—anthelmintic;
externally counter-irritant. Applied
as poultice to sores with maggots.
An infusion is given for coughs.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India
recommended the use of the seed
in chlorsis, chronic obstructive jaundice
and enlarged prostate.
The seeds are reported to contain
cleomin, hexacosanol, free beta-sitosterol
and kaempferol; also glucosinolates.
Alcoholic extract of the whole plant
exhibited anti-inflammatory activity in
carrageenan-induced inflammation in
The medicinal properties of the
seeds are attributed to the presence
of cleomin. Seeds also contain % tannins.
Dosage Seed—– g powder. (API
Vol. I.) Leaf—– ml decoction.
Gynocardia odorata R.Br.
Synonym Hydnocarpus odorata
Family Flacourtiaceae.
Habitat Eastern Himalayas, Khasi
Hills and Sikkim.
Ayurvedic Chaalmograa (substitute).
Tuvaraka (var.) (Controversial
Unani Tukhm-e-Biranj Mograa.
Folk Chaaval-mungari.
Action Oil from seed used in
psoriasis, eczema, scrofula, gout,
rheumatic affections.
A triterpenoid ketolactone, odolactone,
has been isolated from the plant.
The fruit pulp is used as piscic.
The seeds of G. odorata were formerly,
erroneously, thought to be the
source Chaalmograa oil of commerce
obtained from the seeds of HydnocarG
300 Gynura pseudo-china (L.) DC.
pus kurzii, used in leprosy. Gynocardia
oil does not contain chaulmoogric or
hydnocarpic acid.
Gynura pseudo-china (L.) DC.
Synonym G. nudicaulis Arn.
Family Asteraceae, Compositae.
Habitat Eastern Himalaya, Sikkim,
Assam, andWestern Ghats in Tamil
Nadu and Kerala.
Action Plant—emollient, resolvent.
Used as a poultice in erysipelas
and for tumours in the breast.
Root—used both externally and
internally for enhancing blood
circulation especially when blue
spots and blotches result from
blows. The powdered root,
mixed with tea, is given to
parturient women. Leaves—used
for poulticing pimples. The juice is
used asa gargle for inflammations
of the throat.
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